By: Leslie Schroeder
Committed to educating the community about flax and linen, Wisconsin Linen Revival is also doing concrete, practical work to expand flax for fiber production in our region. Our production work this season included planting out selected strains of flax seed provided by the USDA and two plots of high-quality fiber seed yielding a great harvest. Our flax straw this year is destined for experimental processing, for use in our workshops, and a limited quantity is available for sale to fiber enthusiasts.
WLR also participated in a wide range of public educational events from presentations at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Human Ecology to multiple field days and hands-on workshops.
After having worked with the UW-Extension to get flax added to the Emerging Crop Accelerator Program last year, we continue to work closely with Extension agronomists to develop a
strategic plan for supporting flax for fiber in Wisconsin. At the same time, we are cultivating relationships with potential fiber buyers.
Recognizing the value and excitement from partnerships we fostered over this previous year with our neighbors in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota, we’re taking a big breath in and renaming our organization: Midwest Linen Revival.
Founder Leslie Schroeder has also been out and about learning from the world’s textile traditions around flax. She enjoyed a visit to Normandy France in the spring, marveled at rolling acres of young flax, and toured the Terre de Lin scutching facility. This December she is looking forward to traveling to India and is lining up what is sure to be an incredible, informative, textile-rich visit.
While we had a great year that exceeded even our own expectations, we know there’s a long road ahead. We’re passionate about expanding flax to fiber production and doing the hard, practical work to make it possible.
If you’re interested in more information about WLR and our work, connect with us at:
(Links will be updated with the name change starting in 2025!)
In 2024 Wisconsin Linen Revival participated in or hosted:
*6 outreach lecture/tabling events
*3 field days
*4 hand-processing workshops
In 2024 Wisconsin Linen Revival engaged:
*100+ field day attendees
*100+ workshop participants
*25+ volunteers planting, weeding, assessing seed trials, developing outreach materials, reviewing grant applications, and harvesting this years crop!
In 2024 Wisconsin Linen Revival explored trials: